The Secret Worldwide Transit Cabal |
Informed but opinionated commentary and analysis on urban transportation topics from the Secret Worldwide Transit Cabal. Names have been omitted to protect the guilty. Our Mission: Monkeywrench the Anti-Transit Forces
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Friday, November 19, 2004
NARROW-MINDED MYTH Home of So Few Transit Links Than You can Possibly Check(tm), Unless you have no life other than websurfing Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds. Einstein IMPORTANT NOTE: FOC's ("Friends of the Cabal") (you know, like "FOB's"--"Friends of Bill" [Clinton]) have now all been promoted to "Adjuct Scholars" of The Secret Worldwide Transit Cabal. You know, like Wendell Cox, Randal O'Toole, et al are "Adjunct Scholars" (sic) to the Reason Foundation, the Buckeye Institute, the Cascade Policy Institute, and 500+ other conservative/libertarian "Think (sic) Tanks". Congratulations, Dudez! From the Cabalmaster: Um, excuse us for getting technical, but sometimes we come across a whopper of an urban legend in cyberspace. Intrepid Websurfers are well aware that some of the stuff you find online is incomplete, inaccurate, or just plain wrong. (Intrepid Websufers also know that you’ve got to watch out for “dezinformatiya,” for there’s a lot of that online.) (We’re actually going to restrain ourselves! We’re not going to turn the admonition above into one of our cheap shots at Randal “Disasters” O’Toole, Tom “Entitles” Rubin, Peter “Blogger” Gordon, Dennis “Ozone” Polhill, Maggi “Underground” Fimia . . . or Wendell "Mr. Fudge" Cox!!) (Oh, so you enjoy reading and giggling at those cheap shots?) (Well, just don’t sit there; compose one or two of your own – suitable for a family-oriented blog, of course – and send it by e-mail!!) Anyway: we found the following in an online “free encyclopedia” while researching a previous post: “The narrow gauge [“Cape Gauge, 1,067mm, or 3’6”] results in lateral instability and prevents the trains to run at higher speed.” Although believed by many, this just “’tain’t so.” IF the track is in reasonably good condition, narrow-gauge trains can be just as “laterally stable” as standard-gauge ones and can operate at quite high speeds. The secret – not widely known outside of transportation circles – is to build bogies (trucks) with a wheelbase (spacing between axles) LONGER than the track gauge (spacing between rails, and wheels) is WIDE. This has been found to provide substantial “lateral stability.” And yes, there is a trade-off. Increasing the bogie (truck) wheelbase also increases the minimum required radius for curves. So “laterally stable” narrow-gauge trains might require extensive upgrading of existing infrastructure. WE’RE NOT THE ONLY ONES WHO SHOULD QUIT WHILE WE’RE AHEAD! Part 2 Home of So Few Transit Links Than You can Possibly Check(tm), Unless you have no life other than websurfing Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds. Einstein IMPORTANT NOTE: FOC's ("Friends of the Cabal") (you know, like "FOB's"--"Friends of Bill" [Clinton]) have now all been promoted to "Adjuct Scholars" of The Secret Worldwide Transit Cabal. You know, like Wendell Cox, Randal O'Toole, et al are "Adjunct Scholars" (sic) to the Reason Foundation, the Buckeye Institute, the Cascade Policy Institute, and 500+ other conservative/libertarian "Think (sic) Tanks". Congratulations, Dudes! From the Cabalmaster: [aka “RANDAL O’TOOLE IS OUT IN THE WOODS – AGAIN!”] PART 2: We’ll start off with a “dig” at one of our favorite targets for riposte and ridicule: HAS RANDAL O’TOOLE GOTTEN BASHFUL ??? We couldn’t help noticing that an Independence Institute page that formerly contained an image of O’Toole no longer does. Hmmm . . . This is the same page ( that we mentioned last time. Ya don’t think . . . Nah. Sounds unlikely that O’Toole would remove, or request removal, of the photo in question. Anyone who wants to find an online image of Randal need only do a Google image search ( But stranger things have been known to happen online. Now that we’ve gotten that over with . . . Continuing our coverage of the latest – – AND UNSUCCESSFUL!!! – – Quixotic campaign by Randal O’Toole and Denver’s Remulac . . . er, Libertarian . . . faction against public transit in general, and rail transit in particular: A study by Denver’s Regional Transportation District (RTD), the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Denver Regional Council of Governments recommended 119 miles of new “rapid transit” (commuter rail, light rail, bus rapid transit), purchase of land to permit relocation of freight trains away from residential areas, bus service expansion, doubling of park-and-ride capacity, and development of Union Station as an intermodal hub. The local share of financing would be raised by a sales tax increase of 0.4 percent. The plan, dubbed “FasTracks” (; see for plan details) was approved unanimously by the RTD Board and, on November 2, 2004, won an overall “yes” vote of 57 PERCENT (!!) in the eight-county RTD district. (Can any of you out there in cyberland imagine Randal O’Toole letting something like FasTracks pass without comment? (NOT BY THE HAIRS ON HIS CHINNY-CHIN CHIN! (Instead . . . (HE HUFFED, AND HE PUFFED . . . AND HE HUFFED, AND HE PUFFED . . . (JUST WHAT YOU’D EXPECT FROM A STEAM TRAIN BUFF*! (But Denver-area voters evidently paid little attention to all the hissing and snorting. (* “Alleged” steam train buff”: You will probably not be surprised to read that good ol’ Randal has failed to respond to an earlier post – with newspaper citation Online evidence suggests that O’Toole is in fact a “steam train buff.” Check out this page:, scroll to the very bottom, and note the photo captioned “Randal O'Toole (wearing white cap)- selling books dawn til' dusk.” The face is a bit blurry . . . but the beard is unmistakable!! And remember: you saw it first on our blog!!!) (If you try razzing Randal about the outcome of the “FasTracks” vote, you might hear something like: Pausing with the cheap shots for a moment . . . (. . . but only for a moment . . . (. . . after all, our various attempts at riposte and ridicule are what bring you back to our blog, over and over again . . . (. . . c’mon, admit it! That’s you like our blog!!) Denver’s RTD is unusual in the USA because it has a directly elected board. Perhaps not by coincidence, transit issues tend to get mired in politics. Another curious characteristic: because the RTD board is “non-partisan,” political parties may not field candidates and so vigorous contests for RTD board seats are uncommon. During the ‘90s, a Conehead – er, Libertarian – faction got itself elected to the RTD board (the “Libs” downplayed their ideology before the election). They attempted to terminate light rail development, but failed. Instead, Denver-area voters resoundingly rejected the Libertarian approach to urban transportation – and the “Libs” themselves. Star of the debacle outlined above – although he’ll claim it was a “victory” – is Jon Caldara, former RTD board chair, current talk show host ( television producer ( and president of the Independence Institute, a “free-market” (= “Libertarian”) think tank based in Golden, CO. In 2001, the alternative weekly “Westword” named Caldara as Denver’s “Best Media Manipulator” Caldara, an ornery cuss, does not downplay this reputation, nor that for his “in your face” style.” He’s also a shameless publicity hound who cultivates as much attention as he can get. “Independent Thinking,” the Independence Institute’s weekly TV talk-a-thon, “features lively, and sometimes nasty, debates between elected officials, journalists, activists, concerned citizens, top experts and a cranky conservative host” - none other than (taa daa!) Jon Caldara. Caldara claims credit for leading the effort to defeat an earlier transportation plan, “Guide the Ride,” in 1997. This proposed a sales tax increase of 0.6 percent, in contrast to the 0.4 percent increase approved by voters for “FasTracks.” Early polls showed strong support for “Guide the Ride” – 73 percent – but this fell to 42 percent by the time of the “poll” that counts – the one on Election Day. (Caldara would probably prefer that you not know that he, and the Independence Institute, were just part of part of the broad-based opposition generated by “Guide the Ride.”) Things were different in 2004 . . . (Try razzing Caldara about the outcome of the “FasTracks” vote, and you might hear something like: Caldara tried his best to ignore early signs that “FasTracks” was attracting strong public support (a poll published at the end of April 2004 found that 69 percent of likely voters supported “FasTracks” Even before these poll results were released, Caldara started gearing up for yet another bare-knuckles campaign against yet another transit measure -- working in concert with his “bearded buddy Maynard,” none other than Randal O’Toole. Y’know, sometimes it’s hard to tell just who plays “bearded buddy Maynard” to whom: (scroll down to bottom) (scroll down; third from bottom) But in this case, the “bearded buddy” description is quite appropriate. Caldara, you see, provides Denver-area lodging for the hirsute O’Toole, in his basement. No, no, no, a thousand times notm, we are not [the ones] making this up! (; scroll down). (See for a veritable “rogues gallery” of various and sundry “SAPstm” (scroll down), including Dennis “Ozone” Polhill, Caldara and, of course, Randal.) And so: Randal O’Toole (Jon Caldara’s “bearded buddy Maynard”) released in February 2004 his piece de la resistance (sic): a 45-page screed titled “Great Rail Disasters” www.ti.prg/1-2004.pdf. The key point (. . . in fact, just about the only discernible point . . . ) of “Great Rail Disasters” may be summed up as follows: STOP BUILDING RAIL SYSTEMS, DAMMIT! Ah, Randal, Randal, Randal, Ya let us down once more! Your sycophants may grovel, But there’s naught that’s new or novel! The whole thing’s just a bore, So excuse us while we snore! As Your Favorite Transit Pundits have noted in previous posts, we’re a TRANSIT cabal, not a RAIL cabal. We tend to support rail transit because it can provide high-quality alternatives to private autos. But rail costs big bucks to build. So it’s perfectly legitimate to ask, through honest inquiry, honest research and honest debate, whether benefits outweigh costs. The key word here is “honest.” Certain “SAPpytm” individuals (. . . such as “The Bearded Blowhard of Bandon,” aka “Baron von Bluster” . . .), who can’t stand the “’r’ word” for reasons of ideology or (gasp!) self-interest, resort to all sorts of distortion and deception. “Great Rail Disasters” is a special kind of deception: self-deception - by the author (Randal) and his sycophants (like, well, you know, Mr. Fudge). They try their best to pretend otherwise . . . and they’ll try their best to convince you to do the same . . . but the report contains nothing new. It’s just a long and windy rehash of a timeworn slogan: STOP BUILDING RAIL SYSTEMS, DAMMIT! (. . . Long and windy? (Randal O’Toole?? (“Our” Randal??? (Perish the thought!!!! . . .) Opinionated though he is, O’Toole is no fool. We really WERE expecting something MORE (!), and something NEW (!!), but: STOP BUILDING RAIL SYSTEMS, DAMMIT! That’s about all you’ll find in “Great Rail Disasters.” Opinionated though he is, O’Toole is no fool . . . . . . but, among other things, Randal’s a shameless self-promoter and publicity hound. Intrepid Websurfers wanting to garner loads of free publicity might try the following: pound out a variation on the “theme” that looks at least plausible upon superficial once-over and post it online. We guarantee: you will get lots and lots of free publicity. STOP BUILDING RAIL SYSTEMS, DAMMIT! (In case you were wondering what “theme” to which we referred . . .) Randal’s latest effort – although it contained errors that he scrambled to fix – fits the description above: A “variation on the ‘theme’ that at looks at least plausible upon superficial once-over.” As such, it was disseminated far and wide by various and sundry anti-rail foamers, notably the Conehead Contingent . . . er, all those Libertarian “think tanks.” These are perhaps better described as “’Lib-Crib’ Clubs,” given the degree to which they reproduce each other’s work almost verbatim. We Opinionated Ones take pride in our “originality,” but some of the “Cohorts in ‘Lib-Crib’” don’t seem to know the meaning of the word “originality.” We’ll digress briefly to an issue at least as relevant as content . . . and a bit more brief: (Ahem . . .) HEY RANDAL! WHO PICKED UP THE TAB FOR “GREAT RAIL DISASTERS?” Your Favorite Transit Pundits do not think for a nanosecond that Randal O’Toole, shameless self-promoter and tireless book salesman (. . . for his own works . . .), wrote this tome on a “pro bono” basis. We believe this “research” (so to speak) was funded through the network of Conehead “’Lib-Crib’ Clubs” . . . er, Libertarian “think tanks.” Another blog (“Rocky Mountain Progressive Network,” suggests that O’Toole’s “research” was financed by the Coors family (whose members fund various conservative causes; the late Joseph Coors provided a $250,000 grant in 1972 to the fledgling Heritage Foundation; Peter Coors lost his November 2004 bid for the U.S. Senate (We’ll bet that Randal’s response to the “FasTracks” vote went something like this: We’ll continue our coverage in a following post. Sunday, November 14, 2004
OTHER TRANSIT BLOGS - 5 Home of So Few Transit Links Than You can Possibly Check(tm), Unless you have no life other than websurfing Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds. Einstein IMPORTANT NOTE: FOC's ("Friends of the Cabal") (you know, like "FOB's"--"Friends of Bill" [Clinton]) have now all been promoted to "Adjuct Scholars" of The Secret Worldwide Transit Cabal. You know, like Wendell Cox, Randal O'Toole, et al are "Adjunct Scholars" (sic) to the Reason Foundation, the Buckeye Institute, the Cascade Policy Institute, and 500+ other conservative/libertarian "Think (sic) Tanks". Congratulations, Dudes! From the Cabalmaster: Continuing our coverage of other transit-oriented blogs: “SprawlWatch Clearinghouse” describes its mission as follows: “To make the tools, techniques, and strategies developed to manage growth, accessible to citizens, grassroots organizations, environmentalists, public officials, planners, architects, the media and business leaders. “At the Clearinghouse we identify, collect, compile, and disseminate information on the best land use practices, for those listed above.” There is a lot of useful information on this site. Categories are: Cities, Demographic Trends, Economy, Environment, Equity, Farmlands, Historic Preservation, Housing and Public Policies. Each has a list of books, reports, websites and organizations. For example: “Sprawl Related Surveys 1990-1999:” Check out this page for “Research on Pro-Sprawl Payers and Messages.” We’ve reproduced excerpts from a highlight, “Backgrounder on Pro-Sprawl Players and Messages:” “Opposition to smart growth efforts comes from a small number of vocal critics affiliated with private "property rights" organizations, free market think tanks and home builder and development interests. In brief, "property rights" advocates claim that controls on growth trample individual property rights, free enterprise advocates say smart growth efforts tamper with free market mechanisms, and building and real estate development interests claim it is consumer preferences that determine sprawl-type development patterns, not builders. “Some of the critics of smart growth have appeared before in attacks against global warming, the Endangered Species Act, and other issues. Many of the players simply rehash arguments provided by the anti-science or "junk science movement". Some of the critics of smart growth such as the Heritage Foundation and the National Center for Public Policy Research promote some of the same viewpoints espoused by the "wise use movement" namely, they oppose most government efforts to maintain environmental quality in the belief that environmental regulations create unnecessary and burdensome bureaucratic hurdles, which stifle economic growth. "Wise-use" advocates see little or no need for constraints on the exploitation of resources for short-term economic benefits and argue that such exploitation can be accelerated with no adverse long-term consequences. "Property rights" advocates espouse, for example, full compensation for any loss of actual or potential property value resulting from land use restrictions. “While it assumes a variety of forms, the anti-smart growth critics, like the anti-science movement, funnels its claims through seemingly authoritative opinions in books, articles, and media appearances that distort what is or isn't known by scholars, experts and scientists. In an effort to appear credible, they cite one another, especially those with Ph.D's. They use the Internet effectively by using listserves and "fax backs" to inform subscribers of upcoming legislation at the state and national level. “Through a well-honed campaign, these critics twist facts through well-practiced rhetoric to support a political agenda intent on maintaining short-term economic interests. The campaign has several features: “--Anti-smart growth sentiment is endlessly repeated and flooded over media outlets to give it the aura of credibility. “--Critics rally support against growth measures by playing to the public's general lack of knowledge about land use issues, development patterns, costs of growth, zoning, subsidies of sprawl, and other aspects of growth and development. “--Critics of smart growth play on the public's inability to appreciate complex changes that occur to the environment over a long period of time. People have difficulty grasping national and regional problems versus instant, specific changes to their immediate environment. Traffic congestion or school overcrowding is a choice “soundbite” over, say, the effects of sprawling development on biodiversity and ecosystem health. “--Critics play into the public's fear of change and the kind of efforts needed to manage growth. Critics play into resentments of some of the rules, regulations, and recommendations designed to enhance human well-being. “--Critics have defined public interest groups such as preservationists, public transportation activists, environmentalists and citizen groups as "special interests" not any different than say the American Tobacco Institute or other groups that represent narrow economic interests. While not claiming to be an exhaustive catalogue of players and institutions (along with some of their affiliations and products) opposed to smart growth, the following does offer background to the vocal minority attacking smart growth efforts: INDIVIDUALS --“Gregg Easterbrook gained attention with his "environmental optimism" perspective in his recent book, A Moment on Earth: The Coming Age of Environmental Optimism published in 1995. Libertarians loved it and scientists bashed it. He authored the article "Suburban Myth," in the New Republic, March 15, 1999. --“Peter Gordon and Harry W. Richardson authored "Prove It: The Costs and Benefits of Sprawl" in which the writers support junk scientist Julian Simon's statement that loss of prime farmland is "the most conclusively discredited environmental-political fraud of recent times." Both Gordon and Richardson are professors in the University of Southern California's School of Policy, Planning and Development, as well as the USC Department of Economics. --“Steven Hayward was a senior fellow at the Foundation for Research on the Environment and Economics (FREE), in Bozeman, MT. He is now with the conservative Pacific Research Institute. Hayward's most recent article "Suburban Legends" was published in the National Review on March 22, 1999. Hayward dismisses concern about growth and sprawl in as "merely the latest repackaging of liberal disdain for the suburban way of life." In the same article, Hayward states: "the amount of land developed each year in the continental United States is a mere .0006 percent." The actual number presented by the U.S. Geological survey is .06 percent, 100 times greater than he reported. --“Randall G. Holcombe, Professor of Economics at Florida State University and Chairman of the Research Advisory Council of the James Madison Institute. Author of “Public Policy and the Quality of Life,” Greenwood Press. --“David Ridenour is the author of "Clinton's Urban Sprawl Program Threatens Freedom and the Environment," and is the vice-president of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Ridenour is a property rights advocate, frequenting the Alliance for America's (a grassroots property rights group) annual "Fly-In for Freedom" in Washington, D.C. Ridenour's NCPPR uses the latest Internet technology to alert membership of pending legislation, conferences, and rapid response to media stories. --“Charles Ruma, 1999 President of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), has been in real estate development for over 30 years. As president of the NAHB, Ruma has consistently espoused that “development patterns are dictated by consumers.” He has also stated that agricultural land loss has not been significant, and that new agricultural land is being tilled each year in the southwest. Under his leadership, the NAHB has developed a Smart Growth Working Group and released a report "Smart Growth: Building Better Places to Live, Work and Play." “Shortly after the Vice President Gore announced the Clinton Administration's Livability Agenda, George Will authored a widely disseminated Newsweek article "Al Gore Has A New Worry". Among some of its items, the article blamed working mothers for adding to traffic congestion. (Interestingly, Fred Smith, Jr., president and founder of Competitive Enterprise Institute, repeated Will's statement nearly verbatim in a debate with Jonathan Weiss, policy advisor to the Vice President, at the National Press Club in March of this year.) In Betrayal of Science and Reason, author Paul Ehrlich notes an article Will wrote in 1992. In his Washington Post column, Will wrote a piece titled "Al Gore's Green Guilt," attacking then-Senator Gore for his concern about the state of the environment. He wrote that Gore's former mentor, Roger Revelle, who died in 1991, had concluded: " The scientific base for greenhouse warming is too uncertain to justify drastic action at this time. There is little risk in delaying policy responses." But Ehrlich notes "Revelle had a long history of concern about greenhouse gases; indeed, he had been instrumental in getting measurement of atmospheric CO2 under way as early as 1959." (“Betrayal,” page 193) “ . . . and, of course, Randal ( and Wendell ( INSTITUTIONS --“American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is a conservative association that exchanges information research and ideas advocating "free enterprise". One of its "issue analysis" publications is titled "The American Dream Under Fire-Part I: The Impact of Growth Boundaries on Affordable Housing (January 1999)". “ALEC alumni include 83 members of Congress and 13 sitting or former Governors. ALEC drafts model legislation that promotes free market ideas and policies. At its most recent Annual Meeting, touted as the “largest gathering of conservatives held each year” nearly 3,000 state legislators, business leaders, association executives and public policy experts met. One of the sessions held was called Growth Boundaries: The Dark Side of “Smart Growth”. On March 22, ALEC held an issues briefing on urban growth in Philadelphia. Co-sponsored with the Commonwealth Foundation of Pennsylvania, the program included ALEC’s Pennsylvania State Chair, Rep. Robert Flick, Sean Duffy of the Commonwealth Foundation, Dr. Steven Hayward of the Pacific Research Institute, John Charles of the Cascade Policy Institute, and Task Force Director Christopher Doss. ALEC has received some of its funding from ALCOA, the American Automobile Association, Associated Builders and Contractors, ASARCO and the National Association of Home Builders. Website: . --“Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) was founded in 1984. The Washington-based conservative policy groups is "dedicated to the principles of free enterprise, individual liberty and limited government." CEI is a member of ECO and the Heritage Foundation network. Its website devotes a space to property rights, "takings" and "growth controls". CEI published "A Free-Market Guide to Suburban Development & Urban 'Sprawl' " in March 1999. “CEI publishes CEI Update, Competitive Enterprise Index (Annual Analyses of Congressional Voting Records on Free Enterprise Issues), and Free Market Environmentalism. Its press Laissez Faire published Public Policy and the Quality of Life, by Randall G. Holcome, Professor of Economics at Florida State University and Chairman of the Research Advisory Council of the James Madison Institute. Contact: 1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1250, Washington, D.C. 20036, Phone: (202) 547-1010 Website: --“Heartland Institute is a nonprofit, conservative Chicago-area think tank, also known as an activist group. The Institute distributes publications that claim that global warming, ozone depletion, dioxin, chlorine and other environmental issues are not problems and that too much is being spent on recycling and other attempts to reduce pollution. Regulatory-free society is the best way to protect the environment. Heartland is a member of the Environmental Conservation Organization (ECO) network, a wise use umbrella group founded by the Land Improvement Contractors Association in 1990. Heartland president Joseph Bast is the co-author of the Eco-Sanity: A Common Sense Guide to Environmentalism. --“Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank based in Washington, DC. The Washington Post in July 1999, reported that the Heritage Foundation was found to be the most influential think tank in Washington, as reflected in a survey of congressional staff and journalists conducted in 1997. Heritage's Environment Program focuses on "defending property rights" and attacking government regulation. Writing for Heritage is Wendell Cox, author of "The President's New Sprawl Initiative: A Program in Search of a Problem" (Backgrounder #1263, March 18, 1999)". Heritage Foundation funding includes grants from General Motors. --“Liberty Matters is a grassroots property rights organization that gained attention through its opposition to the American Rivers Heritage Act. The group rallied enough grassroots support to cause thirteen states to withdraw from nominating rivers for protection under the act. The group has a large grassroots network via fax, e-mail, website and mailings, as well as visible presence at property rights conferences. Its website links to historic preservation and zoning issues. Website: --“Mackinac Center for Public Policy is a libertarian think tank that supports "sound economic policies which help citizens prosper" in Michigan. The Center publishes studies and analyses advocating free market policies. In the publication, "Legends of the Sprawl" the authors say "Government should stop subsidizing "urban sprawl," but it should not impose growth controls in response to the dire rhetoric of sprawl alarmists." Website: . --“National Association of Home Builders is a trade service association based in Washington, D.C. Membership to the group includes "a free subscription to NAHB’s monthly BUILDER Magazine," educational opportunities and other benefits. BUILDER produced a special issue on sprawl in July of 1998. Some of the articles included "Sprawl: Will Political Backlash Stunt Your Company's Growth" and "Builders are Using Reason and Sound Statistics to Loosen the Current Stranglehold on Growth." The Association has provided funding for Alliance for a Responsible Atmospheric Policy, American Legislative Exchange Council, Coalition for American Energy, and National Endangered Species Act Reform Coalition which has advocated abolishing the Endangered Species Act. --“National Association of Reversionary Property Owners (NARPO) is a far right property rights organization located in several parts of the country, including Kansas. As an activist group, it mainly organizes grassroots opposition to rails to trails conversions. The group helped organize and form the Property Rights Congress, a group of over forty property rights organizations nationwide who draft and introduce resolutions to legislators in Washington, D.C. Website: --“National Center for Public Policy Research is a Washington DC-based think tank partially funded by the Castle Rock Foundation, the re-formed Coors Foundation. David Ridenour is vice-president of the Center and author of several articles critical of smart growth, including "Clinton's Urban Sprawl Program Threatens Freedom and the Environment". --“Political Economy Research Center (PERC) Based in Bozeman, MT, PERC was formed to promote free market environmentalism. PERC published PERC Reports: Urban Sprawl: Pro and Con, February 1999 which featured essays by Randall G. Holcombe ("In Defense of Urban Sprawl"), Professor of Economics at Florida State University and Chairman of the Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope, ("Americans are Saying No To Sprawl") and Joseph L. Bast ("Town, City, or Suburb?"). The non-profit PERC is a member of the Heritage Foundation network. --“Property Rights Congress (PRC). PRC is a group of over forty "property rights" organizations, some of them far-right spinners of UN conspiracy theories. According to the group, "private property rights activists experienced a growing awareness in 1998 that past efforts to protect property rights were not sufficiently slowing the expansion of federal land acquisition or reversing the trend toward ever-tightening land use regulations." As a result, the first annual Property Rights Congress in Washington, DC was organized. Members of the organizing committee include Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center, Myron Ebell of Frontiers of Freedom, David Ridenour of the National Center for Public Policy Research, R.J. Smith of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Joanna Waugh of Stop Taking Our Property, Bob Voight of the Maine Conservation Rights Institute, and Henry Lamb of Environmental Conservation Organization. “The PRC organized its first event March 18-21 at the National Center for Public Policy Research's building in Washington, DC. The new organization is modeled after the 105th Congress and is meant to be a swift method of introducing property rights legislation and issues nation-wide. The congress is designed to bring "a strong, renewed property rights force to all levels of government," with an apparent focus on Washington. It places all action at the grassroots level, and at the same time provides a fast mechanism for property rights issues to be raised to the national level. Website: --“The Los Angeles-based Reason Foundation is a conservative, libertarian national research and educational organization that advocates public policies based upon a free-market approach. The Reason Public Policy Institute (RPPI) publishes anti-sprawl reports such as "The Sprawling of America: In Defense of the Dynamic City," by Samuel R. Staley, Ph.D, which seeks to challenge the need for Clinton/Gore smart growth policies. Websites: and --“The Partnership for Quality Growth, a nationwide group of business and industry, announced the launch of a national public education campaign. Members of the Partnership for Quality Growth will conduct legislative and media briefings as well as public outreach programs on "Building Better Communities" throughout the country. The toolkit is available on the Partnership's website at . The Partnership for Quality Growth is an ad-hoc coalition of trade associations. These associations include the American Consulting Engineers Council, American Highway Users Alliance, American Road and Transportation Builders Association, Associated Equipment Distributors, Associated General Contractors of America, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Construction Industry Manufacturers Association, Equipment Manufacturers Institute, Laborers Employers Cooperation and Education Trust, National Asphalt Pavement Association, National Stone Association, National Utility Contractors Association, The Road Information Program, and the Transportation Construction Coalition. We think that Intrepid Websurfers interested in urban issues will find that “SprawlWatch Clearinghouse” is a valuable resource. Friday, November 12, 2004
AY QUE LADRONES! - POR UNA OTRA VES!! Home of So Few Transit Links Than You can Possibly Check(tm), Unless you have no life other than websurfing Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds. Einstein IMPORTANT NOTE: FOC's ("Friends of the Cabal") (you know, like "FOB's"--"Friends of Bill" [Clinton]) have now all been promoted to "Adjuct Scholars" of The Secret Worldwide Transit Cabal. You know, like Wendell Cox, Randal O'Toole, et al are "Adjunct Scholars" (sic) to the Reason Foundation, the Buckeye Institute, the Cascade Policy Institute, and 500+ other conservative/libertarian "Think (sic) Tanks". Congratulations, Dudes! From the Cabalmaster: As we have reported previously, Correros de Cuba (the Cuban Post Office) “borrowed” images off the Internet (“Electric Transport in Latin America” site for a set of commemorative stamps showing Cuban tramcars ( More recently, the Lima (Peru) newspaper La Republica has paid a similar “compliment” to webmaster Allen Morrison by “lifting” images (photos and maps) from his “Tramways of Peru” pages (; see for the “Cybertheft” page. Not only that: on the day following publication of the purloined Peru material by “La Republica,” the free Spanish-language New York newspaper “El Chasqui” used the same images. “What is going on?” asks webmaster Morrison. We admit: it’s hard to make light of flagrant copyright violations by people who should definitely know better (postal officials (. . . even dad-burned Commie postal officials . . .) and journalists). However, we can’t help thinking about that old saw about the thief who brags that he “only steals from the best!” Intrepid Websurfers who have not checked out “Electric Transport in Latin America, Past and Present” by Allen Morrison are in for a treat. This site “sets the standard” for Internet publication. Scant consolation in light of the recent cyberthefts, but this site truly deserves to be labeled “the best!” |